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これまでにベルリンフィル首席奏者ヴェンツェル・フックス氏(Cl.)、フランス放送フィル首席奏者アントワーヌ・ドレイファス氏(Hr.)、マーラー室内管弦楽団首席奏者ヴィセンテ・アルベローラ氏(Cl.)、マイケル・コリンズ氏(Cl.)、ヴァンサン・ダヴィット氏(Sax.)、ユージン・ルソー氏(Sax.)、フィリップ・ガイス氏(Sax.) 、酒井 秀明氏(Fl.) 、立花 千春氏(Fl.)など内外の著名なプレイヤーたちとの共演を重ねているほか、国際コンクール、浜松国際管楽器アカデミーなどで公式伴奏者も務めている。また活動はクラシックにとどまらず、加藤登紀子氏や古澤巌氏とのコラボレーションなど、ポップスや映画音楽、ゲーム音楽などの演奏にも積極的に取り組んでいる。


作曲家として、東日本大震災犠牲者追悼のための「レクイエム」(2012/パナムジカ出版)をはじめ、サクソフォーンアンサンブルのための「サイトキネシス」「灯夜」、その他器楽曲や声楽曲など、作品は日本国内はもとよりヨーロッパ諸国やアメリカなどでも演奏されているほか、2018年に開基1080 年を迎えた大本山成田山新勝寺の記念奉讃歌(混声四部合唱)も手がけた。また昨年には全音楽譜出版社より”Dreaming Stone (サクソフォンとピアノまたはユーフォニアムとピアノ)”が出版されているほか、自身で3月に発表した「サクソフォーンのための40のエチュード」および同エチュード別冊「40のエチュード–2本のサクソフォーンによる–」(Arimusique)は、発表後すぐに初版分が完売となり増刷、今年改めて全音楽譜出版社より発売されることが決定している。

Fontec より、有村純親(Sax.)とのアルバム「ロマンス」(レコード芸術誌特選盤)、「トロイメライ」をリリース。





Masa Matsuura was born in Tokyo in March 1978. After majoring in singing in the Performance Department of the Faculty of Music at Toho Gakuen University she proceeded to the graduate school of the same university to specialise in composition and subsequently undertake the

ensemble diploma course, majoring in piano. She then continued her studies at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, pursuing a course in piano accompaniment under the direction of Jean Koerner.

She has been awarded prizes in the Suita Music Competition (composition category), the Sōgakudō Japanese Song Competition (composition category) and the Japan Mozart Music Competition (piano category). She has studied composition under Masahiro Ishijima, Hitomi Kaneko, Keiko Harada, piano under Noriko Imaizumi, Kaoru Ōsaki, Hideyo Ozawa, Miyoko Goldberg Yamane and Akiko Hoshino, sightreading and piano accompaniment under Jean Koerner, Hisako Imamura and Satoshi Sandō, and singing under Konomi Nagoya.

Her compositions include Requiem Dedicated to the Victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake (2012), Cytokinesis and Tōya for saxophone ensemble and many other works that have been performed in Japan, Europe and the United States. In 2018 she composed a work for four-part

choir to commemorate the 1,080th anniversary of the foundation of the Naritasan Shinshōji temple in Chiba Prefecture. In March 2023 she released two publications, Forty Studies for Saxophone for Improving Score-Reading and Sight-Reading Abilities and a supplement to this publication

entitled Forty Studies for Two Saxophones (published by Arimusique). Both these publications have now been reissued, the first sets having sold out in less than a month.

As an ensemble pianist Masa Matsuura has performed extensively with many leading musicians in Japan and abroad and has also been engaged as the official pianist at international saxophone competitions and at the Hamamatsu International Wind Academy.

Together with the saxophonist Sumichika Arimura she has released two CDs, Romance and Träumerei, on the Fontec label, the former of which received a special commendation from the Rekōdo Geijutsu magazine.

She has taught as a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts and Ueda Women’s Junior College and currently serves as lecturer at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music.